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Joost Rietveld

Academic Advisor

Joost (/Yoast/) Rietveld is Assistant Professor of Strategy & Entrepreneurship at the UCL School of Management, University College London.  


Joost’s research expertise is at the intersection of technology strategy and innovation management. His research provides insights into how inter-organizational dynamics, including platform-complementor relationships, alliances, and mergers and acquisitions, affect product-level outcomes. He is also an expert on how digitization facilitates new ways of doing business, including the freemium and platform-based business models.  


Joost’s research has been published in highly ranked academic journals including Organization Science, Strategic Management Journal, Strategy Science, Research Policy, and Journal of Management. His dissertation was awarded


Finalist in best dissertation competitions organized by INFORMS and the Academy of Management.  


Prior to entering academia, Joost worked for an independent video game developer in the Netherlands. He helped the team transition from a work-for-hire business model to an independent digital publishing firm. He has also done consultancy work in this industry.  


Joost runs a website that keeps track of the academic research on platform competition. It features a monthly blog where leading business school professors contextualize their research for a broad audience of managers and policy makers. 

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